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Donate To Support a Project

We have projects that need your support and we would love you to chose any of the project to donate. No amount is too small for the cause. 

Girls Education

This project give girls who drop-out of school the opportunity to go back to school.

Gender Equality

Gender inequality remains an everyday reality for the world’s women and girls.

Water Supply

Water is vital to everyday life yet many doesn't have access to hygienic water supply 

Climate Action

 Income could reduce by up to 40% for poor households by 2050 as a result of climate change.

Sanitation Improvement

Toilets and latrines are either non-existent or in a state of disrepair leading to open defication.

Health Behavior Change

The timely used and access to health services and products can influence human behaviour. 

Conflict & Disaster Management

Developing livelihoods approach to understanding and reducing the risk of disaster  and conflicts.

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