Let's Grow Together in Child protection Gender Based Violence Education Grievance Redress Agriculture Women Empowerment Financial Inclusion Water & Sanitation Adolescent Health Transport Sector Learning & communication Safe guarding Health

The organization has implemented varied projects related to education, agriculture, women’s empowerment, climate resilience, water and sanitation, in response to grounded developmental needs in partner communities. We are convinced that our collective efforts have resulted in positive outcomes throughout our operational area.

Operational Areas

Pronet North is a registered non-profit organization (No. CG125392014) and a recognized National Non-Governmental Organization (DSW/7622).

Over the past 28years, we have actively worked in the following fields; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services Delivery, Training and Capacity Building, Decentralization, and Governance, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Sustainable Livelihoods, and Economic Empowerment of Women, Girls Education and Reproductive Rights, Maternal & Child Health, Rooted Advocacy, Inclusive Education and Climate Change Adaptation, Microfinance, Disaster Response and Risks Reduction since 1995.

Projects and Coverage

As a learning entity, we have grown in size and character with projects in several districts across 7 regions, namely, Upper West Region, Upper East Region, Northern Region, North East Region, Savanna Region, Bono, and Ahafo Regions.

5 +
Projects Implemented
0 +
90 +
Life's Impacted
2 +

Upcoming Projects

Harnessing Agriculture Productivity and Prosperity For Youth (HAPPY)

Harnessing Agriculture Productivity and Prosperity for Youth (HAPPY) Project is a 4-year project with funding from MasterCard and implemented by ProNet North with support from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and AgriImpact. It aims at creating opportunities within the agriculture landscape for the youth to achieve shared prosperity for all.

United Nations Fund For Population Activities (UNFPA)

ProNet North in partnership with PPAG is implementing the Peace Building Fund (PBF) Project funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The broad objective of the project is to “enhance social cohesion and social contract, through empowerment of women and youth in three regions( Upper West, Upper East , and North East) within northern Ghana”.

Current Projects


The Project for the Promotion and Facilitation Access to Conservation Agriculture and Agroforestry for Climate Resilience is a project funded by GIZ/REACH and is focused on training and


The Ghana Financial Sector Development Project (GFSDP) is a project funded by the World Bank through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and aims to facilitate the linkage of Village Savings and loans


The goal of the GROW2 project is to improve the economic and social empowerment of smallholder women farmers, entrepreneurs, and agribusinesses in Northern Ghana…


The USAID- Accelerating Social and Behavior Change Activity (ASBC) is a five-year project which
continues USAID’s long investment in the Ghana Health Service (GHS)…


The Transport Sector Improvement Project (TSIP) is a road construction project, funded by the European Union through a Recipient Executed Trust Fund managed by the World…


The Songtaa Women Empowerment Project is a community development initiative that aims to empower rural women to help bridge the gap in the livelihood of families in rural communities…


Over the past few years, Give Me Tap has funded numerous boreholes fitted with hand pumps which has been implemented by ProNet North at selected basic schools in Wa, Upper West.The project is aimed at making clean drinking water available to everyone, everywhere.


Information & Resources

We have published annual reports since 2012. From our reports, you will see how we have contributed to improvements in the life of people in Northern Ghana and expanded as an organization.

All our annual reports are available for your perusal


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